3 Signs Your Child Might Have ADHD

The providers Dr. Hasell, Dr. Pham, Dr. Hernandez, Chris Pope, APRN, and Amanda Tortorice, APRN at The Pediatric Specialists Medical Group in New Port Richey, FL share three signs of ADHD in children in the guide below.

They Are Constantly Moving

 Many people expect children with ADHD to be bouncy, fidgety, and disruptive. Although that is often true, some children’s hyperactivity is more low key, and they may just appear to be busy. Other children constantly move from one activity to the next, even randomly organizing your pantry or cleaning your fridge.

They Seem Impatient and Impulsive

 Everyone gets impatient from time to time, especially when excited about something, but ADHD presents itself a bit differently. Impulsiveness in behavior, speech and emotions are common symptom with ADHD

Kids with ADHD tend to have difficulty waiting their turn. They may take things from others instead of asking to borrow them. They often interrupt others to speak, speak out of turn at school, and say or do things without thinking them through.

Additionally, ADHD can cause very strong emotions, such as crying or getting angry at something that doesn’t seem like a big deal. This can negatively impact relations with peers, creating even more intense emotions. Although emotional lability may occur with ADHD, there are many other reasons for children to have intense emotions. If you are concerned that your child is experiencing emotional distress, you can make an appointment with The Pediatric Specialists Medical Group in New Port Richey, FL for a proper diagnosis of what's troubling your child.

They Have Difficulty With School Assignments or Chores

 Hyperactivity and impulsivity are not the only symptoms of ADHD. In fact some children with ADHD are not hyperactive at all but struggle with inattentiveness. ADHD can make it difficult for children to pay attention and stay organized, which can cause problems at home and school. Children with ADHD often daydream or miss key details of assignments. They are also prone to rushing through assignments and ignoring steps.

Children with ADHD get distracted easily during tasks, which can result in misplaced homework or school supplies and forgetting to turn in assignments. If you find a jumbled mess in your child’s backpack or their assignments are constantly placed in the wrong section of their binder, it might be due to ADHD.

Such issues tend to tumble over into their home life, as well. You might notice your child constantly needs to be reminded to do chores, or they skip parts of specific chores. They may begin to clean their room and get distracted by their disorganized toys. When you check in on them, their toys might be neatly organized and put away but the rest of the room looks worse than before.

ADHD is a complex condition with a spectrum of behavioral symptoms. Treatment with behavioral modification, counseling, and medication can all be beneficial for children with ADHD. If you are concerned your child may have ADHD, schedule an appointment with the providers Dr. Hasell, Dr. Pham, Dr. Hernandez, Chris Pope, ARNP, and Amanda Tortorice, ARNP at The Pediatric Specialists Medical Group in New Port Richey, FL by calling (727) 375-5437

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